Trailblazing scholars who change MIT — and the world

From engineers to filmmakers, the MLK scholars bring new expertise to MIT, while learning from and engaging with the Institute’s community. Meet the Scholars

“The trailblazers in human, academic, scientific and religious freedom have always been in the minority… It will take such a small committed minority to work unrelentingly to win the uncommitted majority. Such a group may transform America’s greatest dilemma into her most glorious opportunity.”

— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Enrich and expand

The MIT MLK Scholars Program welcomes 10-15 outstanding scholars to MIT for visiting appointments every year. Becoming part of the MIT community allows scholars to develop new collaborations, explore cross-disciplinary applications of their work, and deepen their scholarship. It also enriches and expands the reach of the Institute community. MIT benefits immeasurably from the unique perspectives that the scholars bring to their research, teaching, student mentoring, creative pursuits, and life experiences.

Learn more about the program

Featured Scholar Story

How can writing for children drive social change?

“Writing is going to be my act of civil disobedience, because it’s a great way to get information to kids.”

Explore the program’s impact

Nominations welcome

MLK Scholars are nominated by members of the MIT faculty. Nominees come from every academic discipline as well as the public sector, but all are outstanding trailblazers in their fields.

About the selection process
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