Program Overview

About the Program

Established in 1991, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Visiting Professors and Scholars Program welcomes outstanding scholars to MIT for visiting appointments. The Institute aspires to attract candidates who are, in the words of Dr. King, “trailblazers in human, academic, scientific and religious freedom.” The program honors Dr. King’s life and legacy by expanding and extending the reach of our community. 

Our Scholars

Scholars in the program are distinguished by their academic achievements and scholarship, as well as their ability to enhance the intellectual life and community of the Institute. Though scholars often work in academic fields within MIT’s Schools and the College, the program also welcomes individuals from areas such as medicine, the arts, law, and public service. Past scholars have been engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists, as well as public policy experts, filmmakers, and recording artists.

While at MIT, scholars are deeply engaged with the Institute community. As part of the program, scholars advance their own research agendas, and they dedicate time to interacting with undergraduate and graduate students, teaching courses, and collaborating with MIT experts in their fields.

Discover more about the scholars
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